In a Way Aren’t We Lucky We Didn’t Have to See JFK’s Sexy Ass Grow Old and Decrepit?

Evan Andretti
2 min readMar 28, 2017


I’d just like to start off this post by saying that I’m not trying to say that JFK’s assassination was in any way a good thing and it remains one of the most tragic events in United States history.

BUT, if there is any silver lining, I think we’re all lucky we never had to see John F. Kennedy’s sexy ass grow old and decrepit. This is one of the sexiest Presidents we’ve ever had (if not THE sexiest.) What would it do to our nation’s psyche to have to see an 80 year old shell of his former hot little self being wheeled around to all kind of Presidential events and having to tell our grandchildren ”This guy actually used to be pretty sexy.” They just wouldn’t believe us. No one deserves to go through that.

Kennedy tragically died at the young age of 46, which means that realistically he only really had like 10 years before his looks started taking a big decline. I mean it’s kind of nice that we’ll always be able remember him as the major hottie who won an election with his jawline and hair, and not some sort of skeleton man who doesn’t even look like he had sex with Marilyn Monroe anymore.

No one deserves to die that young, but his memory is one of the sexiest this country has and that alone is a valuable asset.

Originally published at

